2003 wrx shifter bushing replacement
2003 wrx shifter bushing replacement

When you reassemble make sure the carpet is on top of the metal plate or you will have a very difficult time starting those bolts. You might not be able to get your socket in there for the front bolts, but a 10mm happy wrench makes quick work of them. Slide the plastic part with the boot off the hand brake and set to one side. Reach under and disconnect the DCCD controls. Unscrew those, and lift the cupholder plastic part up. Look to the front and you will see two more phillips screws that were covered by the silver part that attach the entire black plastic cup hold part. Open the arm rest and remove the two black phillips head screws. Now, unsnap the boot for the hand brake (the snap is under the handle). Unhook the lighter and set the silver plastic part to one side. The silver portion of the console holding the boot, trim, and ashtray will pop out. Wrap your fingers under the lower portion of the aluminum boot trim and pull up. Unscrew the shift knob, and unsnap the shifter boot.

2003 wrx shifter bushing replacement

The process is a little different for the interior.

2003 wrx shifter bushing replacement